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Location: Sprint Touch

Discussion: Outlook Mobile Problem

Keyword tags: Sprint Sprint Touch TouchFlo

Anonymous  (Get credit for your thread)

Outlook Mobile Problem
Sunday, 8:35 PM EDT
I have had my Touch for about two months and am having a continued problem with the Outlook email. I have set up both my Yahoo business account and my Gmail account and can send and recieve without issue except for what I believe I have narrowed down as size limits for what I can SEND out. Orginally my settings had messages formated as HTML and only a couple of words could be sent. I then changed the settings to plain text which allows me to send a message the size of a text message at least. No matter what the setting I cannot send an attachment like a picture. I am also not able to reply or forward emails if the original text is included, I am assuming because it is now too big. I don't believe this is a problem with either Yahoo or Gmail since I have problems with both. I also don't think this is an issue with my plan since I was able to do all of these items prior with my Treo 700P. I have found where I can adjust the size of the DOWNLOADED message but not where I can change anything that talks about the size of the message that is being SENT. 1  out of 1 found this valuable. Do you?    

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