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Location: Sprint Touch

Discussion: Screen size issues

Keyword tags: Sprint Sprint Touch TouchFlo

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Screen size issues
Yesterday, 2:54 AM EDT
All of the sudden, a bunch of programs on my Touch have gotten "too big" for the screen. Portions of the program now lie just below the bottom of the visible portion of the screen, and in some cases, critical buttons necessary for running the program are off the screen where I can't get to them. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the program runs off the bottom of the screen, no scroll bar appears, so I simply can't get to those portions of the program. Any ideas on how to fix this? Do you find this valuable?    
RE: Screen size issues
Yesterday, 9:50 AM EDT
"All of the sudden, a bunch of programs on my Touch have gotten "too big" for the screen. Portions of the program now lie just below the bottom of the visible portion of the screen, and in some cases, critical buttons necessary for running the program are off the screen where I can't get to them. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the program runs off the bottom of the screen, no scroll bar appears, so I simply can't get to those portions of the program. Any ideas on how to fix this?"
Try a Soft Reset.
Remove any programs that control your screen that didnt come with the device (Skins, plug ins, etc.). Be sure to soft reset the device after program removal to write the change to the device memory.
A Hard Reset may be needed.
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