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Location: Strtrk (Cingular 3125)

Discussion: Uninstalling "Cingular Xpress Mail"

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Uninstalling "Cingular Xpress Mail"
Mar 29 2007, 3:19 PM EDT
Has anyone else had issues trying to uninstall this program from their 3125. I used the "Remove Programs" in second menu of "Settings". But once i uninstall the program i constantly keep getting a "Notification Error" that reads "Cannot execute /Program Files/Cingular/Xpress Mail Smartphone Client/calview.exe". Also the fact that on the home screen where it once said "Xpress Mail Claendar Please register your device" it now says something to the fact "Click here to install Cingular Xpress Mail". It is a program i just don't want and just wont go away. Dose anyone have a solution or am I SOL?
p.s. I even called cingular about this and they told me the only way think that might work is to do a factory restore, yet this program came on from the factory, so it shows how much they know.
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RE: Uninstalling "Cingular Xpress Mail"
Apr 16 2007, 5:20 PM EDT
a factory restore will likely bring the program back. you need to disable it from the home screen. under settings find home screen, and see if you can locate it in home screen layout... disable it, and you should fix your problem.

good luck.
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RE: Uninstalling "Cingular Xpress Mail"
May 7 2007, 10:53 AM EDT
I am having the same problem w/ my Cingular Blackjack. I actually want the program, I was trying to take off my old email address to replace with a new and now I keep getting that same error message. What else happens when you do a factory restore? Do you lose all your contact info, etc? Did the info Mystik gave you help?

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RE: Uninstalling "Cingular Xpress Mail"
Sep 9 2007, 9:21 PM EDT
This is the step by step process for erradicating this problem.

Download this "sk tools":

Follow the Directions below:
Ok, it took less than half a day before the error messages started driving me crazy, so I tried the sktools utility.
I downloaded the Smartphone version (I've got a blackjack).

it is a little hard to use, mostly because I don't really understand all that it does. but this is what I did:

Step 1: Select "view"
Step 2: Then select "maintenance"
(That brought up the next screen with 2 options.)
Step 3. Select the top one, labeled "notifications queue"
(That brought up the next screen, which is split into 2 panes. the top pane lists what I imagine are all the
notifications that are set up, and the lower pane give further details on each notification as you select it
In the top pane.)
Step 4. Scroll through the notifications in the top pane until you come across one that is "selected"
(a check mark next to it).
Sure enough it was the xpressmail one, and the lower pane said that it was
invalid because could not be found (I'm paraphrasing, sorry).
Step 5. Then select "action"
Step 6. Then select "delete marked".
Step 7. Confirm "ok"
(Then the next screen says 1 item has been deleted.)

Step 8. Power OFF (not reset), and Turn back ON again.
Step 9. Hold your breath.
Step 10. Be relieved and crack open a cold one, you're a better programmer than AT&T help desk folks.
(No more error message!)

Sorry: The last two were merely to make it a 10 step program. Better than having a 12 step program after becoming looney because of the F*@%#^! Error message that keeps coming up.
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RE: Uninstalling "Cingular Xpress Mail"
Oct 26 2007, 2:12 AM EDT
Crap. Didn't work. :( Xpress mail is a bunch of junk! Do you find this valuable?    

RE: Uninstalling "Cingular Xpress Mail"
Nov 1 2007, 4:28 PM EDT
Try going to Settings< then go to Home Screen Layout< then change it to Windows Default< then press done. This seemed like it fixed the problem for me. 3  out of 5 found this valuable. Do you?    

RE: Uninstalling "Cingular Xpress Mail"
Nov 28 2007, 6:43 AM EST
Settings< then go to Home Screen Layout< then change it to Windows Default< then press done.
So simple and it worked... thankyou! thankyou!
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RE: Uninstalling "Cingular Xpress Mail"
Mar 25 2008, 2:13 PM EDT
Hi, I'm home on spring break helping my mom with her new AT&T Tilt. She accidentally deleted Xpress Mail and now wants it back. How do I reinstall the program? I tried downloading the software, went to setup and all it did was open a long XML document for me. All help would be greatly appreciated! Do you find this valuable?    

RE: Uninstalling "Cingular Xpress Mail"
Apr 20 2008, 4:01 PM EDT
Thank you--I have searched far and wide for this simple fix. 1  out of 1 found this valuable. Do you?    
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