Dec 10, 2:06 PM EST Watch
Success! Despite TomTom support not being prepared to say whether TomTom will work on the Cingular 8525, (because they haven't tested it themselves in house) , I have successfully loaded TomTom Navigator 6 onto my Cingular 8525.
The Cingular 8525 successfully pairs with the old TomTom private-labelled Bluetooth GPS receiver that I have. And the software works fine with that.
There is a problem though, the Cingular 8525 bluetooth does not seem to be able to successfully pair with...
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Success! Despite TomTom support not being prepared to say whether TomTom will work on the Cingular 8525, (because they haven't tested it themselves in house) , I have successfully loaded TomTom Navigator 6 onto my Cingular 8525.
The Cingular 8525 successfully pairs with the old TomTom private-labelled Bluetooth GPS receiver that I have. And the software works fine with that.
There is a problem though, the Cingular 8525 bluetooth does not seem to be able to successfully pair with...