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Discussion: HTC Disk Drive (Faster File Transfer) and Mac OS X TigerThis is a featured thread


HTC Disk Drive (Faster File Transfer) and Mac OS X Tiger
Monday, 3:12 AM EDT | Post edited: Monday, 3:12 AM EDT
Hello! Is there anyone who knows how to work with HTC Advantage 7510 in the Disk Drive regime (Not ActiveSync)? When I connect my HTC to desktop with Mac OS X 10.4.11. nothing happens, the desktop simply does not see the HTC. I can reach the HTC via Bluetooth but it is not a good way to transfer big files such as movies. I also do not have MIssing Sync (or similar program) installed but I suggest that it shall not be needed for HTC in a Disk Drvie regime, right? I am actually new to Mac OS; if you help me in clear for newcomer terms I will be very grateful. Thank you in advance!
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