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Location: Upgrade the S621 to Windows Mobile 6.0

Discussion: S621 takes forever to boot

Keyword tags: European S621 Upgrade Winows Mobile 6.0

Anonymous  (Get credit for your thread)

S621 takes forever to boot
Apr 12 2008, 10:13 AM EDT
This problem cropped up shortly after I received an error message telling me that my phone was low on storage space and that I needed to delete some files to make room. I couldn't find anything that needed to be deleted, so I tried the simple expedient of rebooting. Unfortunately, it gets stuck on the Windows Mobile splash screen.

Phone is a European S621, sold unlocked, and upgraded to WM6. It's being used in the US on the AT&T network.
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RE: S621 takes forever to boot
Apr 14 2008, 2:41 PM EDT
"This problem cropped up shortly after I received an error message telling me that my phone was low on storage space and that I needed to delete some files to make room. I couldn't find anything that needed to be deleted, so I tried the simple expedient of rebooting. Unfortunately, it gets stuck on the Windows Mobile splash screen.

Phone is a European S621, sold unlocked, and upgraded to WM6. It's being used in the US on the AT&T network."
Try removing the battery while the device is still powered on (this is a reset of sorts but wont delete your info). If you can get it to come back on, you will need to free up some memory for the device to function properly, consider getting a storage card. Do you find this valuable?    

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