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On ageye.de you'll get high-quality and reliable software for Windows Mobile!Besides an innovative alarm clock with lots of features you'll find also freeware tools like a stopwatch, a GPS tracker and a profile manager plus two games called "Caver" and "G-Invaders".


Products Short Description Links Price
G-Alarm G-Alarm is the perfect alternative for you. A finger-friendly and reliable alarm clock for Windows Mobile. G-Alarm offers everything to help you get up more pleasant. Page: Here

Download: Here

Purchase: Here
4,99 €
G-Race G-Race uses the most accurate timer, which is available on Windows Mobile, and therefore it differs only in a few milliseconds from the true value even when measuring a long time.
Page: Here

Download: Here

Purchase: Here
4,99 €
G-Profile With G-Profile you can define unlimited profiles which manage the state of your device (e.g volume, ringtones, WiFi, Bluetooth, phone radio, 3G, ...).
Page: Here

Download: Here
G-Watch G-Watch is a tool which combines following features: stopwatch, countdown timer and geocaching. You can use it as a simple timer in the kitchen or measure anything with as many stopwatches or countdown timers you want, using the most accurate timing technics available on Windows Mobile. Page: Here

Download: Here
G-Light With this tool you can adjust your backlight levels according to the values your light sensor measures...
You can also change the interval how often the light sensor should be accessed.
Page: Here

Download: Here
Caver You control small ball which flies through a cave. Sounds funny and it is funny indeed.
Steer the ball by tilting your device and don't dodge against the walls otherwise the game is over!
Page: Here

Download: Here
G-Invaders Steer the ship by moving the diamond (uses tilt sensor) Page: Here

Download: Here

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