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GPRS Dropping Fails to ReConnect MDA Compact
Aug 23 2006, 10:08 AM EDT Hi, have an application that requires an always on GPRS connection, have looked through registry and added an AlwaysOn string and changed redial attempts from 1 to 5 but still doesnt reconnect after dropped.
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RE: GPRS Dropping Fails to ReConnect MDA Compact
Mar 13 2007, 8:30 PM EDT Same problem on Cingular 8525. Trying to use push mail over TCPIP, but the connection will timeout randomly anywhere between 1 hour to 12 hours. This happens even if I continuously ping the 8525 from the server, or if I ping the server from the device. The phone says its connected, but the connection is unusable (can't ping the device). WHY doesn't it just drop the connection completely so an application can trigger a reconnect????????
This is why BlackBerries rule the planet when it comes to push. WM5/WM6 devices are just unreliable.