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Discussion: AT&T Fuze, ActiveSync 4.5, imported dates are a day off
bhmiller3 |
AT&T Fuze, ActiveSync 4.5, imported dates are a day off
Saturday, 3:54 PM EST | Post edited: Saturday, 4:19 PM EST
Brand new AT&T Fuze with WM6.1 Pro (CE OS 5.2.19971 (build 19971.1.2.6) - purchased last night from AT&T store here. Ran WM Update - no updates found.Loaded ActiveSync 4.5 (Build 5096) on my WXP Pro SP3 system, running Outlook 2007 SP1. Synched contacts and calendar, not e-mail via USB cable. All Contacts dates (e.g., anniversary, birthdays) are OFF by one day - they are a day early on the Fuze. Note that the appointments on the calendar appear to be correct. After researching via the web, tried to download and install the DST fix from 12/08 thinking that may be the problem. It failed to install on the Fuze - Fuze showed the message that it failed to install with other commentary. So a couple of questions - if anyone has any thoughts or ideas I would love to hear them: 1. Did it fail to install because it is already included in this build? Or is AT&T blocking it? or some other reason? 2. Why are dates off one day? 3. How do I fix the dates for 700+ contacts? Ugh.
Keyword tags: Activesync Anniversary Birthday Day Off Fuze
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