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Discussion: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1

Anonymous |
Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Sep 25 2008, 1:58 PM EDT
Has anyone had trouble syncing with activsync 4.5 after upgrading to win 6.1. If not are there any different settings that need to be made, or am I just having a specific problem to my situation?
Keyword tags: Activesync Win Mobile 6.1
browntannis |
1. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Sep 25 2008, 2:09 PM EDT
"Has anyone had trouble syncing with activsync 4.5 after upgrading to win 6.1. If not are there any different settings that need to be made, or am I just having a specific problem to my situation?"It is that same as with 6.0. What issue are you having? |
Anonymous |
2. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Sep 25 2008, 2:24 PM EDT
It will not connect at all. I have pulled up the USB to PC settings and tried to sync with the enable advanced network box checked and unchecked. It worked fine installing but never would connnect after the 6.1 install.
browntannis |
3. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Sep 25 2008, 2:32 PM EDT
"It will not connect at all. I have pulled up the USB to PC settings and tried to sync with the enable advanced network box checked and unchecked. It worked fine installing but never would connnect after the 6.1 install."Does your PC "see" your device and it is just Activesync that isnt seeing it? Tyr soft resetting the device while attached to your device. Also, check your Connection settings in Actviesync to make sure that "Allow USB connections" is enabled. |
Anonymous |
4. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Sep 25 2008, 2:56 PM EDT
The computer beeps when the usb cable is connected but it is not listed in my computer. I have tried everything as you suggested but still nothing.
Anonymous |
5. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Sep 25 2008, 9:52 PM EDT
You have to step back your version of ActiveSync (or Windows Mobile Device Center for Vista). Use an earlier version of it instead of activesync 4.5 and it should work
nkb1000 |
6. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Oct 27 2008, 8:42 PM EDT
I'm having rel sync problems - my new HTC Touch Diamond will sync with exchange svr PC at work, but doesn't even recognize the devise on my home PC. HTC has me unstalling and reinstalling MS Mobile, but it still doesn't 'see' muchless sync with the devise. Worked fine with my Treo 750, so its not the PC. Do I have to get rid of this phone? I need to sync with the two computers!! Can I 'downgrade" Mobile center or activesync, will this work with the touch diamond?? Please help!!
Anonymous |
7. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Oct 29 2008, 12:54 AM EDT
"Has anyone had trouble syncing with activsync 4.5 after upgrading to win 6.1. If not are there any different settings that need to be made, or am I just having a specific problem to my situation?"Yes I had trouble when I upgraded to 6.1 Professional. Whenever I sync I get a view status code of 86000107. I talked with HTC Support and they told me to go into Tools, select Options, uncheck the box for contacts, then tap Ok at the bottom. This will delete contacts from the list, then go back and check the box for contaacts and my phone syncs. |
8525user |
8. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Nov 2 2008, 8:36 AM EST
I am not sure Activesync or WIndows Mobile Device Center is the problem. I upgraded the ROM on my AT&T Tilt to Version 3.57.502.2 WWE (WM 6.1), and I began getting synchronization errrors ("Activesync encountered an error on the desktop") on my two PCs. I could not synchronize my Tasks, Calendar items, etc. between my work PC and my home PC. Suggestions to delete and re-enable partnerships, and delete and re-enable settings in Activesync and WMDC (one machine is a Vista PC) did not work. I back-flashed to "ROM update" (version 1.62.502.0), and everything is back to syncing perfectly.I see today that there is a "AT&T Tilt WM 6.1 Backlight HotFix" on the website, but there is no mention of fixing the Activesync/WMDC problem. |
nkb1000 |
9. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Nov 6 2008, 6:11 PM EST
Hi 8525 user - thank you. Can I ask what you mean by "I back-flashed to "ROM update" (version 1.62.502.0), and everything is back to syncing perfectly" ? This two PC sync problem is a nghtmare and appears all over hte internet. I saw on another forum that Microsoft has issued a Fix but it is Only distributed via OEM (and, of course HTC claims they never heard of it...) try post: https://forums.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/showpost.aspx?postid=1823006&siteid=65&sb=0&d=1&at=7&ft=11&tf=0&pageid=5check out moderator response on Oct 28 - HTC -WAKE UP and get us the fix!! |
Anonymous |
10. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Nov 11 2008, 8:11 PM EST
Hi nkb1000 - by "backflashing", I meant that I "downgraded" the ROM of the device, to the previous version (1.62.502.0) by flashing it - I had originally upgraded from 1.62.502.0 to 3.57.502.2 WWE a couple of days prior. I liked the newer ROM features, but that is where the synchronization problems began. I scoured the internet and the Microsoft Knowledge Base for a solution, but all the fixes (deleting partnerships, unchecking this, checking that, etc.) didn't work. It drove me nuts. When I got back to the 1.62.502.0 ROM version, everything worked and synchronized again. That is why I think it is a problem with the newer ROM version, rather than Activesync/Windows Mobile Device Center.
denco7 |
11. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Nov 11 2008, 8:34 PM EST
"Hi nkb1000 - by "backflashing", I meant that I "downgraded" the ROM of the device, to the previous version (1.62.502.0) by flashing it - I had originally upgraded from 1.62.502.0 to 3.57.502.2 WWE a couple of days prior. I liked the newer ROM features, but that is where the synchronization problems began. I scoured the internet and the Microsoft Knowledge Base for a solution, but all the fixes (deleting partnerships, unchecking this, checking that, etc.) didn't work. It drove me nuts. When I got back to the 1.62.502.0 ROM version, everything worked and synchronized again. That is why I think it is a problem with the newer ROM version, rather than Activesync/Windows Mobile Device Center."Glad you came to a solution to your sync problem even if it wasn't the ideal solution. A thousand things can cause program problems on your phone as well as your computer. Third party software conflicting with preloaded software and with each other. Software on your computer conflicting with software on your phone. I have even solved problems on my phone by loading software in a different order. Any number of things can be causing your sync problem. I can tell everyone that I have upgraded to WM 6.1 and AS 4.5 sync'd first time, every time with no tweaking and no changing settings. I doubt that it is WM 6.1 or the new rom version as mine works flawlessly ( fingers crossed ; knock on wood ) |
Anonymous |
12. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Nov 18 2008, 11:26 PM EST
I found this Microsoft thread on a different htcwiki post. I know that they upgraded to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 a few months ago. Why it happens on my home PC is beyond me, but clearly the update to 3.57.502.2 WWE and MES 2007 was not a good combo. I guess I will wait until the mysterious "rollups" get installed, whenever that occurs....http://forums.microsoft.com/WindowsMobile/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=3655166&SiteID=65 |
Anonymous |
13. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Nov 23 2008, 9:03 PM EST
This worked for me! Thank! Thanks!!
Garwood |
14. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Feb 19 2009, 11:29 PM EST
"This worked for me! Thank! Thanks!!"What worked for you ? This problem is costing me a lot of time and frustration. Thanks |
RyderWifee |
15. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Feb 20 2009, 11:30 PM EST
I see I am not alone! My OS is Vista Premium and I have installed/uninstalled windows device center and done just about EVERYTHING i can think of and I can't get this thing to sync. I'm scared that if i delete the partnership I will lose the info I was able to sync onto my pc before I did a hard reset to correct the email issue.
Garwood |
16. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Feb 21 2009, 8:21 AM EST
Yes, you will loose the info you have if you delete the partnership. A Window mobile tech who I've been working with on this problem is calling me next week to resolve this problem. I'll post the solution if he figures it out.
RyderWifee |
17. RE: Activesync and Win Mobile 6.1
Feb 22 2009, 7:19 PM EST
i deleted my partnership but my info's still in outlook. now i can't get it to pick up a new partnership. i've erased it from my cpu but whenever i download it again it restores the previous version and i still can't add a new partnership because windows is telling me the device failed. anyone know how to find updated usb drivers my windows drivers say their from 2006 and updated. i'm at a loss as to what's causing the problem i've hard reset my phone so many times i'm loopy.