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Discussion: HTC Touch Diamond (Asia version) to work in US with T-mobile
tienhn |
HTC Touch Diamond (Asia version) to work in US with T-mobile Sep 22 2008, 1:02 PM EDT Hello All, I have an HTC Touch Diamond (Asia version). I am now in US and would like to take advantage of T-Mobile 3G network. Anyone know if this would work? I have the latest ROM update from the Asia site already. Thanks, Do you find this valuable? |
browntannis |
RE: HTC Touch Diamond (Asia version) to work in US with T-mobile Sep 23 2008, 1:32 PM EDT "Hello All,TMO hasnt launched a 3G network yet. To use the device on the US TMO network, you need a TMO SIM and will have to manually put in the Data Settings. Do you find this valuable? |
Anonymous |
RE: HTC Touch Diamond (Asia version) to work in US with T-mobile Sep 23 2008, 2:14 PM EDT "TMO hasnt launched a 3G network yet.Actually, in San Diego T-mobile already has 3G launched (not quite a big announcement). I do have a T-Mobile SIM. But my phone does not show band support for UMTS1700. It only has UMTS2100. How do I enter Data Setting manually? Thanks, Do you find this valuable? |
browntannis |
RE: HTC Touch Diamond (Asia version) to work in US with T-mobile Sep 25 2008, 2:30 PM EDT "Actually, in San Diego T-mobile already has 3G launched (not quite a big announcement).Oh, that you cannot do. It would require a different radio that supports the frequency. You can still use the device on their other network but you wont have the same speeds as you would on 3G nor will you have the ability for data and voice at the same time. To change your data settings go to Start>Settings>Connections Tab>Connections>Manage My existing Connections. Edit your existing connection to match the following: Standard T-Mobile GPRS settings: Connects to: The Internet APN: Userid: Blank Password: Blank Domain: Blank Primary DNS: Blank Secondary DNS: Blank IP Address: Blank Also, delete any other conenctions you have so that this one will be the default. And just in case, here are the MMS Settings: Standard T-Mobile MMS settings: MMSC URL:http://216.155.174..84/servlets/mms WAP Gateway: Port: 8080 Connect Via: WAP Network Max. Sending Size: 300K WAP Version: 2.0 Do you find this valuable? |