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Discussion: Micro SD Slot Problem (HTC Touch Cruise)
Keyword tags: cruise htc lock memory micro microSD problem SD slot touch trouble (edit keyword tags)
mxtblade |
Micro SD Slot Problem (HTC Touch Cruise) Jul 23 2008, 2:09 AM EDT Hey guys, I'm new to this forum so bare with me. Recently on my HTC Cruise the micro SD slot has been acting up. When I go to put a micro SD in, it clicks softly, then when i let go the micro SD pops right back out. Any solutions on what might be the case. I read up on inserting the micro SD the wrong way or things like that, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The micro SD slips in fine but doesn't lock. Without it locking the card just comes right back out. Any tips or solutions to this problem would be great. Thanks for your time, appreciate it. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Anonymous |
RE: Micro SD Slot Problem (HTC Touch Cruise) Jul 25 2008, 12:45 AM EDT I got the same problem. So right now the cover sticks out a little as the SD card pushes it out. Do you find this valuable? |
Anonymous |
RE: Micro SD Slot Problem (HTC Touch Cruise) Jul 25 2008, 4:14 AM EDT "I got the same problem. So right now the cover sticks out a little as the SD card pushes it out."Did you find the solution to the problem? Someone told me that the springs might be the problem but im not quite sure. Does your cover ever pop out? I tried taping it (as stupid as it sounds) because my cover sticks out and sometimes pops out. Do you find this valuable? |
Anonymous |
RE: Micro SD Slot Problem (HTC Touch Cruise) Aug 26 2008, 1:57 PM EDT "Did you find the solution to the problem? Someone told me that the springs might be the problem but im not quite sure. Does your cover ever pop out? I tried taping it (as stupid as it sounds) because my cover sticks out and sometimes pops out."I have the same problem - the sd card has become unusable - come on HTC - give us some answers Do you find this valuable? |
Anonymous |
RE: Micro SD Slot Problem (HTC Touch Cruise) Aug 26 2008, 4:24 PM EDT I also have the problem that the SD card doesn't stay fixed in the slot. The card doesn't click in its position and is pushed out. The card only makes contact when I push on the cover. As soon as I let go, the card isn't visible anymore in Explorer. Maybe a production error in some touch cruise models? Do you find this valuable? |
Anonymous |
RE: Micro SD Slot Problem (HTC Touch Cruise) Sep 14 2008, 9:44 AM EDT I also have this problem. i think you must send it for warranty but i warn u that the customer service is very POOR! Do you find this valuable? |
Anonymous |
RE: Micro SD Slot Problem (HTC Touch Cruise) Sep 14 2008, 12:30 PM EDT I've found that by cutting a small piece of cardboard (slightly smaller than the size of your memory card) and then putting both the memory card and card board in at the same time, with the cardboard on the same side as the writing on the memory card, not only holds the memory card in, but seems to make the touch cruise perform faster. Everything (except for the camera) seems to work in real time. And the the cover of the memory card slot no longer sticks out. 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
mxtblade |
RE: Micro SD Slot Problem (HTC Touch Cruise) Oct 10 2008, 9:18 PM EDT Alright so here's my solution to the problem. I got my HTC Touch Cruise in HK so I had a 1 year warranty on it (HK only). I called HTC Customer Service and they said that this problem has something to do with the physical design of the product, and their only solution for me was to send it to their factory in Houston, Texas. Why send it to Texas when i have warranty in HK? So I sent it back to HK, some relatives helped me bring it to the HTC manufacture there. Basically the solution to this problem is either what some of you said above or if nothing else works, bring it back to where you got it and ask them to fix it for you. What they did with mine was that they replaced the motherboard and I got a totally new Model # and everything on my Cruise now. The slot works fine and the problem is solved. Hope that helps, but i do agree that HTC support is very poor. Do you find this valuable? |