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Location: HTC AT&T Tilt (TYTN II)
Discussion: Bluetooth Headset only beeps with incoming call (AT&T Tilt)

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Trail-dawg |
browntannis |
1. RE: Bluetooth Headset only beeps with incoming call (AT&T Tilt)
Mar 20 2008, 12:33 PM EDT
"from talking with Tech Support, this appears to be to be the default and is not changeable. Have any of you been able to get your incoming calls to ring through your bluetooth headset?"It actually depends on the headset. I have one that plays my ringtone and one that just beeps when a call is coming in. Do you find this valuable? |
Posted Anonymously |
2. RE: Bluetooth Headset only beeps with incoming call (AT&T Tilt)
Mar 22 2008, 11:47 AM EDT
"from talking with Tech Support, this appears to be to be the default and is not changeable. Have any of you been able to get your incoming calls to ring through your bluetooth headset?"Make this change with a registry editor [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\AudioGateway] "Capability"=dword:0000003C The value shown is Hex or use 60 Decimal. Write down the original value before changing in case it does not work for you. Do you find this valuable? |
MiguelVelez-White |
3. RE: Bluetooth Headset only beeps with incoming call (AT&T Tilt)
Jun 12 2009, 2:55 PM EDT
Performed the registry edit - however, no joy on the Fuze - it still only beeps when a call is coming in. Does anyone have a tried and true solution for this problem for the Fuze. It's no good when you can't hear an incoming call on the road - that's why there are ringtones. This is such a wonderful phone. I don't want to have to switch to something less capable. HELLLLPPPPP!!!
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Sgarrela |
4. RE: Bluetooth Headset only beeps with incoming call (AT&T Tilt)
Jun 13 2009, 4:02 AM EDT | Post edited: Jun 13 2009, 4:05 AM EDT
"Performed the registry edit - however, no joy on the Fuze - it still only beeps when a call is coming in. Does anyone have a tried and true solution for this problem for the Fuze. It's no good when you can't hear an incoming call on the road - that's why there are ringtones. This is such a wonderful phone. I don't want to have to switch to something less capable. HELLLLPPPPP!!!"Enable Voice Command and set it up to Announce incoming Calls. It will play your ringtones and also announce the incoming call. If the caller is in your contact list, it wil announce them by name, if not in the contact list, it will announce the phone number of the incoming caller. I have been using VC on my Tilt for over a year. It really works well. Check the Microsoft website for the Demo and tutorial. VC does so many things for you, you really need to check out the demo. Do you find this valuable? |
MiguelVelez-White |
5. RE: Bluetooth Headset only beeps with incoming call (AT&T Tilt/FUZE)
Jun 13 2009, 12:56 PM EDT
Thanks for the heads up on VC. Ironically enough, not long after the regedit thing didn't work, I stumbled across your solution by accident. I was in the middle of exploing VC since it ha already surprised me once by announcing my high-priority mail. As I explored, I saw the other options and decided to give announcing incoming calls a try. Since I had already done the ROM upgrade to the current version, many of our colleagues here had said that VC module was improved. I can now testify that it truly is. The first time my wife called (and I was in a meetng at the time), the announcement and the ringtone (in the background) came through.I appreciate your suggestion - I'm definitely going to check out the demos and tutorials today. It's all pretty exciting. As I uncover new features, it's like being a kid in a candy shop. Now if 6.5 would just get released already - that would be the icing on the cake. (But I guess that belongs in a different forum thread - sorry) Thanks again - to everyone - for all your help and experience. The FUZE was a phone I could only dream about, then AT&T made it come true for me in a most bizarre way. Now I have this wonderful tool for my job and you guys have been totally aweome in teaching me new ways to be more productive with it. Maraming salamat (many thanks) Do you find this valuable? |
Sgarrela |
6. RE: Bluetooth Headset only beeps with incoming call (AT&T Tilt/FUZE)
Jun 13 2009, 1:17 PM EDT
"Thanks for the heads up on VC. Ironically enough, not long after the regedit thing didn't work, I stumbled across your solution by accident. I was in the middle of exploing VC since it ha already surprised me once by announcing my high-priority mail. As I explored, I saw the other options and decided to give announcing incoming calls a try. Since I had already done the ROM upgrade to the current version, many of our colleagues here had said that VC module was improved. I can now testify that it truly is. The first time my wife called (and I was in a meetng at the time), the announcement and the ringtone (in the background) came through.Thanks for the update on Voice Command. I haven't flashed the updated ROM for my Fuze yet, but it sounds like it really helps with the Voice Command/Bluetooth conflict. VC does a lot of cool stuff. If you have music stored on your device, VC will play songs by title or author all by voice command. You mentioned receiving a call during a meeting. You can have VC announce the incoming call "only thru Bluetooth" or you can set it to announce "only during free time" - this means if you have a meeting in your calendar and a call comes in during that time VC will not announce it. It is very powerful. Do you find this valuable? |