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HTC 6800 update for Bell
Dec 29 2007, 7:58 AM EST | Post edited: Dec 29 2007, 7:58 AM EST
just noticed an update on ... http://www.utstar.com/pcd/phone_downloads.aspx?bid=76&cid=16&mid=264&carrier=Bell%20Mobility .. web site ... for your info 3  out of 5 found this valuable. Do you?    
Keyword tags: gps
1. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Dec 29 2007, 9:32 PM EST | Post edited: Dec 29 2007, 9:32 PM EST
I don't know what to make of this one. The included document says It's the same 2.13 ROM that shipped with the device but gives a date of Nov.22, 2007. the document itself is dated Dec.10, 2007:

"You can confirm a successful update by [Start] [Settings] [System] [Device Information] and confirm these values have change to the Local Network Providers settings.
ROM version: 2.13.666.1 / ROM date: 11/22/07 / Radio version: 1.37.30 / Protocol version: ACAAAAM-4070
Hardware version: 0003 / PRL version: 31396 / PRI version: 1.27_007

And why is it on the old UTStarcom site instead of the HTC's? the older PPC-6700 was branded by UTStarcom but the PPC-6800 is HTC. Very strange. It could be a very watered down update and may not even be all that beneficial.

I had already flashed my phone with a modified Sprint ROM. Although functionally, it works well, I don't like some of the customizations done to it. Phone works fine and the earpiece is actually louder. Haven't tried bluetooth yet. I might give this 2.13 version a try and see how it goes.
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2. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Dec 30 2007, 5:49 AM EST | Post edited: Dec 30 2007, 5:49 AM EST
Mooseman2 .. yes .. that is the same rom info that is on my phone that I got back in July .. never checked ... :( ... what the $%^& !! .. I was just lookin' around & located it ... you flashed your bell with the sprint .. ?? .. better volume .. good & other stuff .. not sure .. comfortable with flashing just yet .. still lookin' ... :) Do you find this valuable?    
3. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Dec 30 2007, 10:20 AM EST | Post edited: Dec 30 2007, 10:20 AM EST
Yeah, I had to run a special unlocker program to allow me to flash using any other ROM. I used one that was heavily modified with custom applications and customizations by someone else. Some things I liked, others I didn't. Mostly too much stuff in the today screen.

Last night, I re-flashed it with Bell's. Yep, same old ROM with the same problems. I then flashed it with the actual Sprint ROM. The trick to avoid all the crapware that Sprint installs is to soft reset it when it does the "customizations" on the first boot. I haven't had a chance to really test it out but the earpiece sounded the same and bluetooth seemed more stable. The only quirks are that I get the Sprint boot up screen whenever I soft reset and the 1X/EVDO connection is called Vision. Other than that, it works the same. The funny thing about the bootup screen is that the first ROM i flashed with gave me only the Sprint logo but this one gives me both Bell's and then Sprint's. Maybe the previous flash (Bell's 2.13) has something to do with that. The phone functions the same as before. I like this one so I'll stick with it until the next one from HTC that will enable the on-board GPS.

The things I have changed after the flash:

I used CERegedit for editing the registry and Total Commander to replace the Audiopara.csv file.

I'm probably going to do a full write up on how to flash using a non-Bell ROM. The only issue is that this could affect the warranty if it can't be re-flashed back to Bell's.
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4. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 10 2008, 12:10 AM EST | Post edited: Jan 10 2008, 12:10 AM EST
I just followed the link and downloaded the ROM update from Bell. When I open it up it asks me if I want to replace my current ROM (2.13.666.0) with version 2.13.666.1.

I clicked OK and the machine seemed to install the new ROM OK. Then the PC installer told me it had completed the update and the 6800 rebooted. But it froze at the blue "BELL" splash screen and won't proceed to starting Windows mobile.

So I'm pretty cranky tonight; Bell's update for my Bell phone has turned it into a vegetable.
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5. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 10 2008, 10:28 AM EST | Post edited: Jan 10 2008, 10:28 AM EST
Just wanted everyone know that I upgraded from 2.13.666.0 to 2.13.666.1 and I didn't brick my phone. Everything went well. Of course, I notice no difference with the new ROM. Anyone have a list of anything that was changed? Do you find this valuable?    
6. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 10 2008, 11:06 AM EST | Post edited: Jan 10 2008, 11:06 AM EST
"Just wanted everyone know that I upgraded from 2.13.666.0 to 2.13.666.1 and I didn't brick my phone. Everything went well. Of course, I notice no difference with the new ROM. Anyone have a list of anything that was changed?"
Do you have a Bluetooth headset? I originally did the update just to try and fix the bugs with my headset locking my phone up. It would be nice to know that's at least fixed. I'm still trying to get help from HTC to get my phone off life support. 1  out of 1 found this valuable. Do you?    
7. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 10 2008, 7:31 PM EST | Post edited: Jan 10 2008, 7:31 PM EST
" But it froze at the blue "BELL" splash screen and won't proceed to starting Windows mobile.

So I'm pretty cranky tonight; Bell's update for my Bell phone has turned it into a vegetable."
Did you try a hard reset? You do that by holding both soft keys and push the reset with the stylus.

Sounds like it may be stuck in the bootloader but what I have read about is the phone being stuck in the tri-colour screen when you update. At worse, you may have to get it exchanged for a new one but since you updated it using their ROM, the warranty is still valid. Just go to a Bell store, give them the phone and play dumb ;>)
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8. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 10 2008, 8:10 PM EST | Post edited: Jan 10 2008, 8:10 PM EST
So I have updated, and after not more then a day of testing I still experience lockups, and random shutdown of bluetooth. I don't think this update did anything except change the version number in the about screen. Maybe its there in hopes we try it and feel better. I don't know what they are thinking.
This piece of crap phone is impacting my ability to do business, I am so aggravated by this thing, I don't just want to throw out the phone, I want bell gone too. Rogers or Telus, here I come. . . .
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9. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 10 2008, 8:16 PM EST | Post edited: Jan 10 2008, 8:16 PM EST
Yes, I've tried hard resetting it several times. It always hangs up at the Bell logo screen. It also won't respond to the power button so the only way to turn it off is to pull the battery out.

I called UTStarcom today. They seemed like nice enough folks, but couldn't fix anything over the phone. I live outside of Ontario, so they recommended I ship the phone back for service. In order to provide warranty they need the original bill of sale and a note describing exactly what the problem is and how it happened. I better not have any trouble getting warranty, since I was following Bell's instructions to install a Bell patch on a Bell phone. They said turnaround time is 10 - 15 days.
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10. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 10 2008, 8:19 PM EST | Post edited: Jan 10 2008, 8:19 PM EST
"This piece of crap phone is impacting my ability to do business, I am so aggravated by this thing, I don't just want to throw out the phone, I want bell gone too. Rogers or Telus, here I come. . . . "
My words exactly. Why didn't I just buy a BlackBerry to start with?

And if the Bluetooth still doesn't work, this is not good.

For Pete's sake, we put a man on the moon 40 years ago! Can't Microsoft/HTC design a half-decent OS for a &%$# cellphone???
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11. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 10 2008, 11:26 PM EST | Post edited: Jan 10 2008, 11:26 PM EST
"For Pete's sake, we put a man on the moon 40 years ago! Can't Microsoft/HTC design a half-decent OS for a &%$# cellphone???"
Let's put the blame where it belongs... I got this info from HTC. It's BELL that has to ask HTC for an updated ROM. HTC has a fix since November. They had a problem with their initial ROM, owned up to it and fixed it. Sprint asked for it and got it. Bell has to do the same. It probably costs nothing to ask. I have that Sprint ROM on my Bell phone and it works great.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I have flashed my phone 3 times so far, no problems, even using Sprint's and other modified ROMs. Have you tried running the update again? Connect your phone to the computer, reset it, wait a while and run the update program. I remember seeing some sort of notice during or after the update that it can re-flash a failed update. Might as well give it a try. Nothing to lose at this point. It may have a way to reconnect to the phone to redo the update.

HTC and Microsoft did their part for fixing the BT problems. It's Bell that has to ask for it.
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12. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 11 2008, 8:46 AM EST | Post edited: Jan 11 2008, 8:46 AM EST
OK, fair ball. But that still doesn't make up for the fact that when Bell finally did get HTC to put out a fix, it bricked my $600 phone. To repeat what I said earlier, I was using Bell's instructions to run a Bell patch on a Bell phone.

And no, my PC won't even recognize the phone when I connect the USB because the phone won't boot up fully on the corrupted ROM. It says it's found a "generic data device" or something similar. And the patch software tells me I need to connect my phone before I can proceed.

Frankly, I don't care whose fault this problem is. HTC made a buggy phone, Microsoft made a buggy OS, and Bell's arms-length tech support is leaving me high and dry. Everybody needs to take some responsibility for this screwball piece of crap they're calling a phone.
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13. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 11 2008, 6:58 PM EST | Post edited: Jan 11 2008, 6:58 PM EST
So I am on the phone with Bell support right now on this. First they pretend there is no known issue, then they direct me to the lame patch that fixes nothing. After I explain this patch is worse, reference the sprint users and HTC patch for them, they tried to blame my bluetooth headset. I caught them on that one as I own about 4 different bt headsets and they all experience lockups on this phone. I got pretty irate at the suggestions that I don't use bluetooth for a a day or two, and 'see how that goes' . . . Now im listening to music while they work on their next lie. Do you find this valuable?    
14. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 12 2008, 12:27 AM EST | Post edited: Jan 12 2008, 12:27 AM EST
Good grief... is anyone on here a lawyer? I'd join a class-action in a heartbeat! Do you find this valuable?    

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15. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 12 2008, 6:38 PM EST | Post edited: Jan 12 2008, 6:38 PM EST
This is just a suggestion...

Try to manually install the drivers for the Generic device... if windows can recognize it you may be able to flash the rom again.

Also in the instructions I remember reading that they take no resposability for a effed up rom flash and you may have to pay to get it fixed.
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16. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 12 2008, 10:37 PM EST | Post edited: Jan 12 2008, 10:37 PM EST
"Also in the instructions I remember reading that they take no resposability for a effed up rom flash and you may have to pay to get it fixed."
Great... just what I needed to hear. Well, the tech I spoke to on the phone wanted to see a copy of the sales receipt when I send the phone in, so maybe there's hope.


I will try to find drivers for the "generic data device" and see if that works, but I'm not holding my breath. I will let you know.
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17. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 13 2008, 11:57 AM EST | Post edited: Jan 13 2008, 11:57 AM EST
Like I said, just walk into the Bell Store and play dumb. Just say it stopped working. They'll give you a loaner while it's getting fixed. It's under warranty. Do you find this valuable?    
18. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 14 2008, 8:57 PM EST | Post edited: Jan 14 2008, 8:57 PM EST
"Also in the instructions I remember reading that they take no resposability for a effed up rom flash and you may have to pay to get it fixed."
Bullsh!t! I read all the documentation and the update screens and there is nothing of the sort. Unless you have hard proof, don't spread unverified information. Do you find this valuable?    

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19. RE: HTC 6800 update for Bell
Jan 15 2008, 8:26 AM EST | Post edited: Jan 15 2008, 8:26 AM EST
"Like I said, just walk into the Bell Store and play dumb."
I wish it were that simple. I live eight hours from the nearest Bell store, so I'm sending it to Toronto by mail. I had my old Samsung flip reconnected yesterday because it's gonna take weeks to get this phone back from them. Tech support told me turnaround time is about 15 days once they get the device.

But I totally agree with the idea of playing dumb.
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